This is another band in a series of new Oi/Oi-Core/Street Punk bands that have come on the scene recently. Much like Criminal Damage, this is very heavily Blitz influenced Street Punk with catchy hooks and melodic guitars. The tracks are all on one big demo file with no track names, so I can't break down the songs individually, but this stuff is pretty rockin', and sounds very true to the old school sound. The only thing that takes some getting used to is the fact that the singer sounds like a dude who ate 3 xanax bars and is trying to do a dead on impersonation of the vocalist from Blitz. It kinda grows on you I guess. The standout here is "Street Kids" with a huge guitar hook and the aforementioned melodic guitars chiming in the background. If I were you I'd get this demo. It's good stuff. Unfortunately the D/L link for the demo seems to be broken for the moment, I'll try to remember to check back and see if it's fixed and if so I'll post it.
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