The green room itself was pretty cool. Upon entry there is a row of lockers, walk into the room and turn the corner and there is a multitude of couches and a bathroom. I hung out for awhile and went upstairs. Midway through the show two guys from Havok came down and started smoking some delicious smelling medicinal marijuana straight from Colorado. Now I understood why they call it "The Green Room". By the time the next band went on there was a front row of people headbanging and fistpumping Vicious Attack took the stage, and played a set of some solid thrash metal. You can clearly hear me on the video of it yell out for a Sepultura cover which they didn't play. They did play some new originals which were decent but not as good as their CD EP material. It was a good set though. Trials was next and wasn't anything that really stood out to me. While watching the merch earlier I saw that the headliner Havok from Colorado has some cool shirts. I honestly didn't go there anticipating on filming them, but on the strength of the T Shirt designs I decided that I would. I'm really glad I did as they put on a great show and had everyone in the place entertained, and even with the not so big crowd put everything they had into their set. When they first came out and said "This is Havok from Denver, Colorado and it's time to fucking party!" I knew I had a winner What amazed me more is that they are usually a quartet, but are playing shows as a 3-piece on this tour for some reason. They seriously killed it, their set was the highlight of the night for me and for awhile it made me forget about all other problems I had in life....it was like meditation. During their set the 1 guitar player dude played all these killer leads and had spirited vocals. The bassist was all over the stage, putting one leg up on the amp and doing all these metal poses. A true showman, haha. They sounded like awesome thrash metal with killer guitar solos and semi melodic vocals. I should also mention that they had huge perms which they were freely headbanging with during their set. Awesome. They announced one of their songs as "Morbid Symmetry", I thought they said "Mormon Symmetry" and me and John had a good laugh. I'm sort of glad my camera battery died out during their set, because it gave me a chance to mosh and circle pit a little bit.
Below are the first parts of the Vicious Attack and Havok sets. For the rest of the sets go to my youtube channel at http://www.youtube.com/charlienumbers
Thanks to Adam for taking the vending machine photos on his camera and sending them to me. Shout out to Shane Merrill for booking the show.
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