1. What was it like to work with Ice-T on the song "Real Recognize Real" by your group Icepick? Is he as gangster in real life as he is on record?
Ice-T is a straight up hustler with a capital H!!! I got mad respect for him. I am a big fan it it is an honor to be on a song with him. Real recognizes real.
2.What do you have to say to Hardcore kids that criticize/talk shit on your rap projects like Danny Diablo etc.?
Nowadays everyone talks shit when they are behind a computer screen. I really don't care about haters cause they are people who have never accomplished anything. I actually love to make a hater hate. No one has ever direspected me to my face and walked away from it. Period.
3. What do you think of the City of Chicago? What about the Hardcore Scene here? What are some observations you have from coming out here?
I love Chicago and the kids from Chicago. Always have a good time in the windy city. They have die hard fans and they always rep there city!!!
4. Can you explain what happened with the "situation" at your last show at Subterranean?
Just a little misunderstanding... Shit pops off and tempers flare. It is over and I can't wait to play Chicago again!!! There is no problem.
5. What do you think of today's hardcore scene? Is it just a watered down version of what was going on 20 years ago, or is the culture still as relevant as ever? What are some things that have changed since the time when you were coming up in the scene?
The scene is still alive and kicking. The kids are learning there history so that is always good. Some of these new bands sound dope. Trapped Under Ice is pretty dope and so is Lionheart. The only thing is that it might be a litlle safer now.
6.Tell me about your clothing line/other current business endeavors. Do you design the clothes yourself? What inspires you to do so?
Got a clothing line called "DOLLARS MAKE SENSE" which you can buy @ shopshogun.com Look at the LORDEZECWORLD store. You can also buy my shit on ill-rocrecords.com This is my site with all my merch. I run my clothing line with my 2 brothers MQUE & STAE.
7. Any funny/interesting stories about the Skarhead/Vanilla Ice tour awhile back? How would you describe Vanilla Ice as a person?
Vanilla Ice is a good dude. He had mad respect for me and the hardcore scene. I have nothing bad to say about Ice. He pved a way for a lot of these white rapper dudes... now that is real.
8. Shed some light on your current musical projects. What's your main focus now as far as that goes? Got any new albums dropping soon?
The new Skarhead "DRUGS MUSIC & SEX" is out on ISCREAM records and Danny Diablo "INTERNATIONAL HARDCORE SUPERSTAR" is out also on Hellcat records. KAOS 13 will be out soon on Real Recognizes Real/Countdown/ILL-ROC. I am releasing ADLIB, Jimmy Williams(Maximum Penalty), U.G.P. and G-fella this year on ILL-ROC RECORDS. Talking to Lordz Of Brooklyn about releasing a street c.d. also.
Doing a record with Stress The Whiteboy called "AUDIO PHARMACISTS". Just did a song for the porno star Holly D's new movie called "PORNO-CORE". I also just did a song with Chino Brown, a song with Al Niks and a song with Panic. Putting a new Panic stret c.d. out this year plus producing his full legnth with Stress The Whiteboy for Krush Unit Records.
9. I understand that some fans of ICP (Insane Clown Posse) have started to get into hardcore/horrorcore rap music like Necro/Psychological Records and the Danny Diablo material. How do you feel about juggalos and what's your opinion on Juggalo culture?
Juggalos are loyal fans and love the music. I give props to ICP for there hard work. They are always grinding and don't give a fuck about the so called Industry!!!
10. Best/Favorite strip club you've ever been to?
Every single one in Canada!!!
11. Favorite Alcoholic Beverage?
Vodka and Cranberry if I am at the strip club.
12. Do you dudes get lots of groupies coming out to shows on tour? What city has the baddest hos in the nation?
We are all married with kids but whores will be whores. It is their job... no disrespect.
13. Are you still involved in the Hardcore scene out in NYC? Do you still go to shows/buy records etc.? Who are some of your favorite current hardcore bands, in New York and elsewhere?
It is very rare if something moves me period. I love the new Maximum Penalty record. The new Activate e.p. is mad cool. I listen to Panic, Jaysaun and Slaine. Lord Willin and Apathy and ofcourse my brother Necro. Ill Bill, Sick Jacken and Muggs are always killing it. Listen to the new Skarhead cause it is off the fucking chain!!! Hardcore 4 Life.
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