Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Quick Movie Writeup: Keoma (1977) w/ Franco Nero

Friday, January 27, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Last Night
Friday, January 20, 2012
Jodorowsky's El Topo
Monday, January 16, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Ganja Guys Update
So this 15 year old kid has a youtube channel featuring videos of him smoking weed using various methods. These are so unintentionally awkward and hilarious. I'm sort of transfixed by this video in the same way I would be if I were watching a midget tossing contest or something. Here's a few points of the video I've analyzed.
-Showing off his shitty acrylic bongs he probably bought at the gas station for 10 bucks apiece.
-His awkward friend who looks like he'd rather be anywhere but there....and the weird banter between the two.
-The sound he makes right before he hits the gasmask bong for the first time makes me want to bang my head against the wall.
- All the music in his videos consist of horrible played out top 40 countdown rap songs from 6 months ago. Apparently he has a huge crush on Lil Wayne.
- Waving around a quarter of schwag like it's dipped in gold or something.
-The best part of the whole video: His dad walks in while they're fumigating the room with schwag smoke and yells at him for not doing his chores.....he acts like a complete little fucking brat, calls his dad a nigger and starts talking shit to his dad in front of his friend. Your dad lets your 15 year old Mitch Kramer lookin' ass sit in your room and rip tubes all day and you have the nerve to act like that? What a choad.
I like to think I acted a bit cooler than this kid when I was his age, but I'm sure I was a fuckin' asshole too, I refuse to believe I was half as bad as this little buttfuck though. In a couple years he's definitely gonna wish he never made these videos.
Friday, January 13, 2012
"Terra Firma" by Francis Berry

Thursday, January 12, 2012
4-ACO-DMT Trip Report
My unedited 4-ACO-DMT trip report:
T: 12:00 in the afternoon
Ingested small gelcap approx 20 mg's
T:12:30- Feel lighter, typing fingers hitting the keys feels "different" watching Technical Itch, the rukus video. bout to go smoke a cir, no visuals yet.
"get Loose" Matt Cox
T: 1:11 Definitely tripping now, not too intense. Very light body load, almost no visuals. Very mushroom-like, can't feel the DMT aspect, or don't know what to look for. smoking a blunt of ergs right now listening to bass-heavy music in my room, planning on going outdoors for the peak, for now im gonna finish this blunt, charge my ipod, and watch the itunes visualizer while playing some EDM.
Depreciation Guild sounds spectacular "Heavy Eyes". Visualizer not. working for some reason.
DPG "Nautilus to:
at same time, absolutely amazing! Like Pink Floyd DSOTM and Wizard of Oz syncs up almost perfectly timed and everything.
T: 1:36
Very euphoric now, weird bodily sensations, balance is off, funny thoughts etc. Like mushrooms but very calm and relaxing. Very little visuals, felt in the body without there being a large body load if that makes sense. Listening to DJ Rap "Spritual Aura" classic jungle track. Watching the video for Gold Panda-Marraige (Star Slinger Remix) with the volume muted and blasting the Innovation Mix.
T: 1:50
Effects getting stronger now, had to turn off the thousand hand boddisatva because it was freaking me out haha.
T: 1:56
Dude this is fucking awesome!
ReactAble Trance live performance submit studios
T: 2:03
Seem to be peaking. Watching Reactable performances on youtube is unbelievable. This is the future of EDM…..and maybe music in general.
T: 2:27
Minor OEV's heavier load now in the face huh that sounds funny. Looked in the mirror and you couldn't even tell that I'm tripping. Pupils normal size and everything. Still going though.
T: 5:00
Wow, what I thought was the peak was nowhere near the peak. I just got back from a walk that seemed like an epic trek. One of the most notable things about this trip is the feeling in my limbs, almost as if they belong to someone else. My coordination is all over the place. I can tell that my pupils were probably huge earlier, but are going down now. Some parts of the trip seemed quite intense, several times I stopped and sat on a bench to gather my thoughts and center myself. Audio hallucinations were very pronounced, sounds blending together to become different variants of the same noise. I walked into town and marveled at how weird it felt to be around people going about their day, oblivious to my state of mind and how they looked from my point of view. I took a route that is filled with memories for me so I just kind of reveled in the nostalgia of the walk, especially going by my old elementary school. I noticed that this isn't a very social drug, and I found myself getting mildly paranoid in a few instances, in each case I talked myself down though (i.e. think rationally etc.). Now I'm going to seek out some food, and probably hop in the shower once I come down a little more.
T: 6:00
Back to Baseline. Went and got some KFC, just finished eating…I feel good. Altogether I feel I had a successful session, and looking forward to trying this in more of a social atmosphere with friends.
This is one of the videos I watched when I was coming up. I turned the volume off and listened to the song "Nautilus" by The Depreciation Guild. The song seemed to sync up perfectly with what was happening in the video, kind of like watching The Wizard of Oz while listening to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of The Moon album.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
Toys For The Mind '78
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Vintage High Times Content: "I Remember Punk" by Legs McNeil

Wednesday, January 4, 2012
"Deal For Real" an article by Timothy Leary reprinted for High Times Magazine April '78

Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Belated Birthday Artwork

I was going to post this on December 1st when i turned 27 but for some reason forgot. This was drawn by an old friend of mine and sent from jail where he was in for bashing someone over the head with a lock tied to a bandanna. He's an extremely talented artists as you can tell, ironically some of his violent tendencies seem to come out through the drawing, though this is one of my favorite birthday gifts I've ever received. Hopefully he's found a job as a comic book illustrator by now. Dan Tomczak, wherever you are now, thanks bro.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Really Weird/Really Cool
A toy wresting belt that has had it's circuits bent, now "Are you ready to wrestle the champ?"
The Biters are still my favorite current punk band...
A cool little interview with some live footage dispersed throughout....produced for Comcast On Demand Music of all places.